ヲタクに恋は難しい 第01-11巻 [Otaku Ni Koi Ha Muzukashi Vol 01-11]

ヲタクに恋は難しい Otaku Ni Koi Ha Muzukashi 第01-11巻

Title: ヲタクに恋は難しい 第01-11巻
Associated Names
(一般コミック) (ふじた) ヲタクに恋は難しい
Otaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii
Wotaku ni Koi ha Muzukashii
隠れ腐女子の成海とゲーヲタの宏嵩の恋愛模様を描いた超人気ヲタ恋も大団円のラスト11巻…! 成海がヲタバレのピンチをむかえたことで、宏嵩との関係にも今までにない危機が…? 描き下ろしでは、成海と宏嵩の子供時代の出会いのお話や、その後のみんなのお話も大収録! ヲタクな人も、そうじゃない人もそれぞれの“好き”を大切にしたくなる。その点ヲタ恋ってすげぇよな、最後までキュンたっぷりだもん!…な内容でおとどけいたします!!
(NEW)ヲタクに恋は難しい 第11巻(NEW)

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No Response » to “[Manga] ヲタクに恋は難しい 第01-11巻 [Otaku Ni Koi Ha Muzukashi Vol 01-11]”

  1. Raw says:

    Hello, can you upload the volume 8 of this series ?

  2. R says:

    Hello, there’s something wrong with the zip file because it says there’s no file inside the zip file

    Thank you

  3. Dian says:

    can you update link for volume 7?
    it seems the file is broken, because it’s empty inside the folder
    thank you

  4. viruhi says:

    Thank you very much!! I love this manga a lot <3

  5. br says:

    Hi there, it seems that all the links are dead again! It would be great if they could be updated again. Thanks so much!

  6. KT says:

    Hello! The links for Volume 5 aren’t working! Thank you.

  7. kn says:

    Hello, Raw Zip!
    All links are dead, you can re-update, please!
    Thank you!

  8. rew says:

    Rapidgator link dead.
    please again

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